
Used Pile Driver Groundwork Challenger 1200

Used Pile Driver Groundwork Challenger 1200

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Specifications and features

General information
Year: 2022
Hours: 300
Max height post: 610 cm
Hammer: 1.500 joule
Place: Northern America
Transport dimensions
Lenght: 350 cm
Width: 220 cm
Height: 240 cm
Weight: 4.500 kg
Technical specs
Engine Make: Perkins Cat (Euro 5 Emission)
Gross power: 48 HP
Useful information
Automatic Mast leveling
⁠Remote Control unit (9 functions)
Rotary Drill (6000 Nm: 2 speed) suitable for 30 cm diameter DTH, 40 cm auger and long ground screws


Transparency checklist Reconditioned

Checklist What does it mean?
Reconditioned The machines with this label have received all the attention required. Any repairs and replacements necessary to achieve optimal operating condition have been made, as evidenced by tests and inspections. Each test and quality control performed is fully illustrated.​
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